42 years in uniform – 4 in Sainik School, 4 in NDA / IMA, and 34 in Army were 42 great years. These 42 years gave me varied experience, and many values, and what I can now say with conviction, is a ‘Quality’ life. If someone asks me what was the best thing that happened in my life, my answer is ‘NDA’. Getting into uniform, a desire at that time is now a sense of satisfaction and in some sense accomplishment.
There was a lot this wonderful organization – or shall I say an institution, has given me. Some of the things that made my life great are
Selfless contribution
Unconditional obedience
On 1 Oct 2004, I hung my uniform and entered the ‘civvy’ street. The 10 years in this colourful, wonderful civil world have also enriched my experience. I used some of my experiences in the Army in my civil life and now have some lessons that I will like to share with my brothers (oh, I forgot, sisters too) in uniform can apply.
I started writing this post some time back. Could not complete it due to prevailing circumstances.
I will be soon expanding on this.