Swacchh Bharat Campaign is a laudable idea for which I wish to salute our beloved Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. He deserves kudos for the initiative. I am sure it is a well-planned project and will be implemented methodically both at the Centre and State levels. The Government will surely penetrate into all nooks and corners of the country, including slums, old cities, industrial areas, and rural India.
Clean India is a great Idea. However, it is a mammoth task that should not be left to the Government alone. It calls for internalization. Every citizen in India must be consciously driven by his inner self to maintain cleanliness in the surroundings. Therefore, an awareness and educational initiative is recommended. This needs to be tackled at all levels.
The purpose of this little note is to highlight the importance and necessity of the ‘software’ which is even more important than the ‘hardware.’ I am referring to the ‘internalization’ of the issue. How do we ensure that every individual in the country develops an internal desire, which comes from within, to ensure cleanliness all around? How do we make it a ‘way of life?’ How does each citizen of India take ‘ownership’ of cleanliness? How does it become our culture? That needs to be addressed.
A few suggestions:-
A. Include the subject through the ‘Experiential Learning’ method in schools. Let the children be initiated into this by parents and teachers. Children are a great resource. Once they are inspired they can move mountains. They are capable of correcting their elders when the latter is found committing a mistake.
B. Motivational initiatives in Corporate Environment. CSR is already there. Can we reinforce measures to create a ‘want’ or a ‘desire’ in every individual to maintain and enforce cleanliness?
C. Social groups and NGOs can be encouraged to enforce it, by persuasive methods rather than by punishment.
D. Motivational sessions/workshops/lectures by motivational speakers to spread the word. I am willing to volunteer and take on this responsibility in a limited sphere. I am sure many Motivational Speakers will love to do this.
E. Media. Media has a great role to play. Through films, serials, contests, etc. we can motivate the masses to maintain a clean environment
F. Personal Example. All elders must set a personal example. Nothing works better than that.
My intention is to initiate a discussion in which people can contribute practical and workable ideas
24 Oct 14
Where are we heading to?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji will do well to realize that initiating a campaign is one thing and sustaining it is another.
The spirit of 02 Oct is already fading away.
We need to take on the responsibility and ownership of Swacchh Bharat.
Each one of us considers ourselves to be responsible citizens of India.
My point is simple.
**Realisation **
If all of us understand the necessity and motivate, encourage, and inspire children to start looking at cleanliness around them, I am sure there is a good chance of improvement.
The other day I was walking in the market when I saw a small girl throw a used pouch on the road. Very politely I asked her to pick it up. She did not respond. Nor did her parents. So I picked it up and put it in a nearby dustbin (it wasn’t so near, though). The father walked up to me and apologized. I explained to him why it was necessary. Maaaaaaaybeeeeee I convinced one person.
Yesterday we had Diwali. How many of us cleared the used crackers muck in our colonies ?? How many of us tried to reduce the pollution levels??
Focusing on children, at home, and in schools can be a good idea.